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Sunday, May 30, 2010

Tsavo West Projects Hit the Headlines in Kenya

If a tree falls in the wood and no one hears it, did it fall? Maybe it fell, maybe it didn’t. Whilst working on development projects in remote communities, this proverb often comes to mind.

--A former poacher ponders his new role as a protector of Tsavo West National Park--

Although the value of the work undertaken shouldn’t be determined by who knows about it; if no one knows about it, no one else can learn from your successes and failures, and, the impact of the work you have undertaken is only on the people you work directly with. In contrast, if that information is shared other development workers, communities in similar situations and governments can potentially learn from the success of your project. Thus, the influence of the project is far broader than simply the people you work directly with. That’s why everyone at GVI was so excited to hear that GVI and WSPA’s projects in Tsavo West had been featured on the second page of one of Kenya’s major newspapers. The link is featured on this page, so take a look and if you can take something away from the story of the poachers from Kidong, Kasaani and Mahandakini.

--Former poachers drink tea and discuss their new futures around the campfire--

--The unforgiving land of Tsavo West overshadowed by Mt Kilimanjaro--

To read the article click here: http://www.standardmedia.co.ke/InsidePage.php?id=2000009062&catid=259&a=1