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Monday, September 27, 2010

How Your Donations Have Helped

With the Kidong Eco-tourism Centre almost ready for opening day, it was inevitable that there was a list of things which are not quite finished yet that need to be finished. Sounds simple, but without funding the list would not ever get completed. Tables, chairs and a bar were needed for the restaurant, a room for the wazee (elders) to give their presentation to tourists was also missing; not to mention, signs, a smoking area and paths around the centre. Thanks to the many people who have made generous donations to the Tsavo West just giving page, GVI staff and the community members from Kidong were able to make these things happen over the past few weeks.

-- Laying the foundations for wazee building --

Many days were spent under the baking sun of Tsavo West mixing cement, sawing timber and nailing things together. The result, the centre is just about set to open! Safari operators have already expressed interest in putting Kidong into their Tsavo West itineraries, and we just can’t wait to see the first bus load of tourists arriving at the Kidong Eco-tourism Centre. Massive thanks to everyone who has contributed to this project by volunteering with GVI and by making donations to further support the project.
-- Ndovu restaurant complete with tables and chairs --
If you would like to support the continued development of this and other valuable projects in the Tsavo West region please visit www.justgiving.com/GVItsavowest .
