Welcome to the Marine Mammal and wildlife Research and Community Development Expedition blog where you can keep up to date with all the happenings and information from Kenya

Friday, May 11, 2012

Shimoni Starts the Second School Term

This week myself and 4 other volunteers are beginning our time on community.  It is the first week back for the kids after school holidays so (fingers crossed), they will be model students and soak up everything we say (in a perfect world!)  On Tuesday we had fun at choir.  The kids were a bit quiet at first but once they got going it was on for young and old!  We sang “Bob didily Bob” which requires actions, and best of all, what every kid loves…shouting at the top of their lungs!  We then tried a few of the more traditional songs (such as ‘Old Macdonald’ and ’10 little monkeys’) however the age range in choir meant that the older children got a bit bored.  Oh well, I’ve now learned that for next week.  Other than choir, we’ve been busy with a lot of English lessons and Eric (in particular) is seen only as he rushes in and grab his books for the next class.  All up, Term 2 is off to a great start!

Josie Hartmann
Expedition Volunteer

Josie finds the forest
