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Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Marine Mammal Network Newsletter, Issue: 1

The Kenya Marine Mammal network was established recently with combined efforts of GVI, the Watamu Marine Association and the Kenyan Assosiation of Sea Anglers (KASA). The network hopes to collect and compile the first consistent data on occurrence and abundance of dolphins and whales along the Kenyan coast by collecting data along the coast from for instance sport fishing vessels, diving clubs and local fishermen. 
Little is known about the marine mammal species in Kenya. The scarce knowledge on these marine species is based on data collected during aerial survey and information collected from stranded animals. Some marine species have been in constant decline in the Indian Ocean facing real threats from overfishing, by-catch in fishing gears and in some cases tourism. 
To promote collaboration and the reporting of sightings the network now issued its first newsletter. The newsletter is full of pictures and spectacular reports of for instance killer whales or orcas near Watamu but there is also room for more serious hypotheses about movement patterns and distribution of populations. 

Have a look at the first issue now and let us know what you think in the comments!
