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Thursday, June 21, 2012

Health Project: Educating Shimoni Secondary students on stress management and sexual health

The last two weeks on the health project have been… productive! One initiative of the project is taking life skills classes at Shimoni Secondary School. The classrooms can be described with one word: different. Consisting of concrete floors, an ever changing mixture of desks and chairs, a lone blackboard in the room and students of all ages, teaching is Shimoni is most definitely a different experience and it is definitely worth it. Coming from the health project, the classes have been tailored towards important health issues in the community. The first lesson was on sexually transmitted infections (STI's), and we focused on the different types of infections, their transmission and how to prevent them. The second lesson was on stress. This class was great; the students really enjoyed talking about the times they have been stressed, how to recognise stress and how to manage stress. I even learnt something as well! It has been a great two weeks on the project, I have thoroughly enjoyed the life skills classes.

James Nightingale - Health Project Volunteer 
James and Form 1 talk about stress
