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Saturday, November 1, 2008

Whale moments!

On the 20th and 21st of October our marine team had the most incredible encounters with Humpback Whales.

Some images just speak for themselves.... Enjoy!

Humpback Whale calf breaches out of the water, just a few meters away from our research vessel " BARDAN", south of Lower Mpungutti island (20-10-08)

Humpback Whale calf breaches out of the water (20-10-08).
Calf breaching and its mother south of Lower Mpungutti Island (20-10-08).

Tail-Fluke of the adult Humpback Whale spoted in Funzi bay (21-10-08).

Newborn calf breastfeeding in Funzi bay (21-10-08).
